如何用英文点餐?必懂餐厅常用英语: 订位, 点餐, 用餐, 结账各个环节英文

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刚进入餐厅时, 招待我们的人被称作 host


Host: Welcome to XX. Do you have a reservation? 你有预订吗?

You: Yes, it's under Lily Brown. / No, is there anything available?

Host: Let me check for you.


A moment later...

Host: Yes, we do. Please, come with me. / Sorry, we have nothing available now. Do you want to have a drink at the bar while you wait?

You: Yes, please. / No, thank you anyway.



Host: How many are there in your party?

You: A table for four, please.

Host: Do you want a table or booth (or a high top)?

You: We'd like a table, please.

Host: Would you like to sit inside or outside?

You: We'd like to sit inside.


落座后,会有另一位提供服务的服务生 Waiter or Waitress

Waiter: Hi, My name is John, I will be your waiter for the night. Can I start you off with some drinks?

You: Yes, please. I'd like some water. / No, thank you.


A moment later...

Waiter: Are you ready to order?

You: We are ready to order. / No, could you give us a few more minutes?


情况一: 你想要了解特餐

You: Do you have any specials?

Waiter: Today's specials are...

You: Ok, I'll go with the specials.



Waiter: What would you like to have?

You: Can I have the salmon?

Waiter: What sides do you want to go with it?

You: Can I have broccoli and beans?

Waiter: Of course./No problem. I'll bring that right out for you.



Waiter: How would you like that done?

You: Rare /Medium rare /Medium /Medium well /Well done, please.



Waiter: What kind of dressing would you like to with that?

You: What dressings do you have?

Waiter: We have the ranch, honey mustard...

You: I'll go with the ranch. Can I have the dressing on the side?

Waiter: Of course. I'll go put in your orders.



Waiter: How is everything?

You: Great. /Perfect. / Everything's good.

Waiter: Can I get you anything else?

You: Could you bring me another water?/ Can I get some napkins? / No, thank you.

Waiter: If you need anything else, just let me know.



Waiter: Are you still working on that?

You: Yes, I'm still working on it. / No, I'm done, you can take it.



Waiter: Can I get anyone some dessert?

You: Yes, I'd love some. Can I have the dessert menu? / No, thank you. I'm stuffed.



Waiter: Are you done with that? Do you need me to box it?

You: Yes, please. / No, thank you. I'm good.



You: Can I get the bill, please?

Waiter: I'll get the bill for you.


A moment later...  服务员拿来了你的账单       

Waiter: I'll take it whenever you are ready, no rush at all.

You: Thank you.



Waiter: You guys have a great day, come back and see us soon.

You: Thank you, and have a nice day.



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