看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第二季第22集

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如何通过看美剧学英语,强烈推荐《绝望主妇》这部美剧,字正腔圆,发音清晰,用词都是日常口语表达,绝对是看美剧学英文的最佳材料。肖肖也在精看这部美剧,对英文学习还是很有用的。边看边整理常用英文词汇,短语和英文句子,也是很好的看美剧学英文方法看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第二季第22集



  • first class confession

"First class confession" 是一个俚语,通常用来描述一种非常详细、彻底和诚实的坦白或忏悔。这个短语通常带有一定的夸张或戏剧性,强调坦白的质量或深度。例如:

"Her first class confession during the therapy session helped her confront her past and start healing."(她在治疗过程中非常详细地坦白了过去,这帮助她正视过去并开始康复。)

  • straighten up his room

"Straighten up his room" 是一个表达,意思是整理或收拾某人的房间,使其变得整洁有序。这通常包括整理床铺、收拾散落的物品、清理垃圾等,使房间看起来更干净和整洁。例如:

"He needs to straighten up his room before his friends come over."(他需要在朋友们来之前整理一下房间。)

  • the "can-do" people

"The 'can-do' people" 是一个表达,用来形容那些积极主动、充满自信并且总能找到解决方法的人。这个短语通常用来赞扬那些面对挑战时表现出积极态度和解决问题能力的人。例如:

"In our company, we value the 'can-do' people who are always ready to tackle any problem."(在我们公司,我们重视那些总是准备好解决任何问题的积极主动的人。)

  • wish you ill

- "Wish you ill" 是一个表达,意思是希望某人遇到不好的事情或遭受不幸。这个短语通常用来表示对某人的恶意或敌意。例如:

"He was so angry that he openly wished her ill."(他非常生气,公开地希望她遭遇不幸。)

  • strike out on their own

"Strike out on their own" 是一个表达,意思是某人决定独立行动,通常指离开现有的环境或关系,开始自己的事业或生活。这个短语常用于描述一个人决定自主创业或独自面对新的挑战。例如:

"After working for the company for ten years, she decided to strike out on her own and start her own business."(在公司工作了十年后,她决定独立创业,开办自己的公司。)

  • it's only then

"It's only then" 是一个表达,用来指某个特定的时间点或事件发生后某种结果或情况才会发生。这个短语通常用来强调因果关系,说明只有在特定条件或时间点之后,某个结果才会实现。例如:

"You need to finish your homework; it's only then that you can go out to play."(你需要完成作业,只有那时你才能出去玩。)

  • acid letter

"Acid letter" 是一个表达,用来形容措辞尖锐、充满批评或愤怒的信件。这个短语通常指用强烈的情感或攻击性语言写成的信件,意在严厉地批评或指责收信人。例如:

"After the argument, he sent an acid letter to his former friend, expressing his anger and disappointment."(争吵过后,他给前朋友写了一封充满愤怒和失望的信。)

  • stab me in the back

"Stab me in the back" 是一个表达,意思是某人背叛或在暗中伤害了你,通常是在你信任他们的情况下。这种行为通常是出乎意料的,并且是由你认为是朋友或盟友的人所做的。例如:

"I thought we were friends, but he stabbed me in the back by spreading false rumors about me."(我以为我们是朋友,但他在背后捅了我一刀,散布关于我的虚假谣言。)

  • that's the trifecta

"That's the trifecta" 是一个表达,意思是指成功地同时实现或获得三件不同的事情。这个术语最初来源于赛马,指的是成功地预测比赛前三名的准确顺序。现在,这个短语常用于各种情境,表示同时取得三项成功或成就。例如:

"He got the promotion, finished his degree, and bought a new house all in the same year. That's the trifecta!"(他在同一年里升职了,完成了学位,还买了新房子。这就是三重奏的成功!)

  • through the roof

"Through the roof" 是一个表达,意思是某事物急剧增加或达到极高水平。这个短语通常用来形容价格、情绪、数量等的迅速增长或非常高的程度。例如:

"Since the new product launched, sales have gone through the roof."(自从新产品上市以来,销售量猛增。)

  • be a kick

"Be a kick" 是一个口语化的表达,意思是某事或某人令人愉快、有趣或令人兴奋。这个短语通常用来形容某件事情给人带来积极的感受或享受。例如:

"Going to the concert last night was a kick! The band was amazing."(昨晚去听音乐会真是太棒了!乐队表演得非常精彩。)

  • at some point

"At some point" 表示在某个特定的时刻或阶段,通常用于描述一个过程、情况或事件序列中的某一时刻。例如:

"After trying to fix the old car multiple times, I realized that at some point, it just wasn't worth repairing anymore."(多次尝试修理那辆旧车后,我意识到在某个时候,再修理它已经不值得了。)

  • it's been forever since I have been

"It's been forever since I have been" 可以理解为很久没有做某事了,表达了对某件事情很久没有经历或做过的感叹或感觉。

"I haven't seen her in ages. It's been forever since I have been to her place."

  • general well-being

"General well-being"(一般健康状况)指一个人在生活各个方面的健康和幸福状态。例如:

"His general well-being has improved since he started exercising regularly and eating healthier."(自从他开始定期锻炼和饮食更健康以来,他的整体健康状况有所改善。)

  • take up the vacuuming

"Take up the vacuuming" 意思是开始用吸尘器清扫地板或地毯。例如:

"I'll take up the vacuuming after dinner."(晚饭后我会开始用吸尘器打扫。)

  • it gives me volume

"It gives me volume" 可以理解为某物或某种做法让我的发型看起来更蓬松或更有体积。例如:

"This new shampoo gives me volume and makes my hair look fuller."(这款新洗发水让我的头发看起来更蓬松,更丰盈。)

  • fajita bar

"Fajita bar" 指的是一种用来制作墨西哥风味法式玉米煎饼(fajitas)的自助餐吧,通常包括各种配料和调味品,让客人可以自行选择和组合他们喜欢的食材。例如:

"We're having a fajita bar at the party tonight, so you can customize your own fajitas with chicken, beef, or vegetables." (今晚聚会上我们会有一个法式玉米煎饼自助餐吧,你可以选择鸡肉、牛肉或蔬菜来制作自己喜欢的法式玉米煎饼。)

  • hip juggler

"Hip juggler" 可以理解为表达某人在处理多个任务或项目时非常擅长和有效率的方式。例如:

"Sarah is a real hip juggler at work, managing multiple projects without breaking a sweat."(萨拉在工作中真的很擅长处理多个项目,毫不费力地管理着。)

  • I'm kind of pressed for time 

"I'm kind of pressed for time" 表示我时间有点紧张,意思是我没有太多空闲时间可用。例如:

"Can we make this meeting quick? I'm kind of pressed for time today."(我们能快点开会吗?我今天时间有点紧张。)

  • I'm so consumed with rage

"I'm so consumed with rage" 表示我被愤怒所充满或占据了心思,意思是愤怒情绪非常强烈。例如:

"I can't think straight right now, I'm so consumed with rage."(我现在无法冷静思考,我被愤怒所充满。)

  • spill her guts

"Spill her guts" 是一个俚语,意思是说某人彻底地、诚实地或详细地讲述自己的想法、感受或秘密。例如:

"After a few drinks, she started spilling her guts about her troubled relationship."(喝了几杯酒后,她开始详细讲述她困扰的恋爱关系。)

  • tape it on

"Tape it on" 是一个俚语,通常用来表示临时解决或快速处理某事,通常指用胶带暂时固定或修复某物。例如:

"The car's side mirror was broken, so we had to tape it on until we could get it fixed properly."(车子的侧镜坏了,所以我们只能用胶带粘上,等到可以正式修理。)

  • up against the wall

"Up against the wall" 是一个俚语,通常用来描述某人或某事处于困境、压力或局限中。例如:

"The company is up against the wall financially and needs to make some tough decisions."(公司在财务上陷入困境,需要做出一些艰难的决定。)

  • I don't want to overstay my welcome

"I don't want to overstay my welcome" 表示我不想久留而使人感到不适或烦恼,通常用于表示不想在某个地方或与某人的访问时间过长。例如:

"They invited me for dinner, but I'll make sure not to overstay my welcome."(他们邀请我吃晚饭,但我会确保不久留而使人感到不适。)

  • like hell she is 

"Like hell she is" 是一种强烈的否定或反驳,用来表达对某个说法或假设的强烈不信或不赞同。这个短语通常带有愤怒或激动的情绪。例如:

"He's the best candidate for the promotion."
"Like hell he is! There are others more qualified than him."(“他是升职的最佳候选人。” “他才不是呢! 有其他人比他更有资格。”)

  • my leg just cramped up

"My leg just cramped up" 表示我的腿突然抽筋了,通常是指肌肉突然收缩或紧张导致的疼痛感。例如:

"I had to stop running because my leg cramped up."(我的腿突然抽筋了,所以我不得不停下来跑步。)

  • pep squad

"Pep squad" 是指一个团队,通常由学生组成,专门为体育比赛和学校活动助威和加油。他们通过喊口号、表演、唱歌和其他激励性的活动来激励观众和运动员。例如:

"During the football game, the pep squad was cheering loudly to motivate the team."(在橄榄球比赛期间,啦啦队大声加油为球队鼓劲。)

  • just yet

"Just yet" 用来表示某件事情目前还没有发生,但可能会在未来发生。通常用于强调事情尚未完成或准备好。例如:

"I don't want to leave just yet; I'm still having fun."(我还不想走;我还在玩得很开心。)

  • I'm about even

"I'm about even" 通常表示某人的状况处于平衡状态,可能是在谈论金钱、工作量或其他衡量标准时使用,意思是没有显著的亏损或收益。例如:

"After paying all my bills and expenses, I'm about even for the month."(付完所有的账单和开支后,我这个月基本上是收支平衡的。)

  • laugh my ass off

"Laugh my ass off" 是一种俚语,表示大笑不止或笑得很厉害。这个短语通常用于描述某件事情非常有趣或令人捧腹大笑。例如:

"When he told me that ridiculous story, I laughed my ass off."(当他给我讲那个荒唐的故事时,我笑得停不下来。)

  • be prime meat-picking

"Be prime meat-picking" 是一个俚语表达,意味着某人因为在某种情况下被认为是弱点或易受攻击的目标。这个短语暗示这个人可能因为被认为是容易利用或虚弱而成为被针对的对象。例如:

"Without any self-defense training, he'll be prime meat-picking in that rough neighborhood."(如果没有任何自卫训练,他在那个粗犷的社区里会成为被攻击的主要目标。)

  • bite me 

"Bite me" 是一种粗鲁和不友好的口头表达,通常用来表示愤怒、不满或对某人的不耐烦。这个短语含有侮辱性,并且不建议在正式或礼貌场合使用。例如:

"When someone cut in front of me in line, I yelled 'bite me!'"(当有人插队时,我喊了一声“去你的!”)

  • take it lying down

"Take it lying down" 意思是默默忍受或被动接受不公正或不愉快的情况,通常指在没有反抗或抗议的情况下接受不公平待遇或挑战。例如:

"She's not the type to take criticism lying down; she always speaks up for herself."(她不是那种能忍受批评的人,她总是为自己发声。)

  • dip into her supply

"Dip into her supply" 是一个俚语,通常指某人偷偷使用或消耗某人的物品、资源或供应,尤其是指非法或未经允许地使用。例如:

"Mary suspected someone was dipping into her supply of snacks at work."(玛丽怀疑有人在工作中偷偷吃她的零食。)

  • come forward

"Come forward" 是一个常用的短语,意思是主动出来,通常是指在需要时自愿提供信息、揭露真相或提供帮助。例如:

"The organization encouraged employees to come forward with any concerns or suggestions."(该组织鼓励员工提出任何关注或建议。)

  • pay the claim

"Pay the claim" 意思是支付索赔款项,通常是指保险公司或其他组织根据协议或法律责任支付被索赔者的请求金额。例如:

"The insurance company agreed to pay the claim for the damages caused by the accident."(保险公司同意支付因事故造成的损失索赔。)

  • shove it

"Shove it" 是一种粗鲁和不友好的口头表达,通常用来表示愤怒、不满或对某人的拒绝或厌恶。这个短语含有侮辱性,并且不建议在正式或礼貌场合使用。例如:

"When he told me to work overtime again, I just wanted to tell him to shove it."(当他再次让我加班时,我只想告诉他去死。)

  • turn on the waterwork

"Turn on the waterworks" 是一个俚语,通常用来指某人故意流泪或哭泣,特别是为了引起同情或悲伤的反应。例如:

"Whenever he doesn't get his way, he turns on the waterworks to get sympathy."(每当他没有达到目标时,他就会装出难过的样子,以获取同情。)

  • come running

"Come running" 是一个表达,意味着某人立即前来以回应某种需求、呼唤或情况。这通常表示对某人或某事非常关注或愿意帮助。例如:

"When she called for help, her friends came running to her aid."(当她呼救时,她的朋友们立即前来帮助她。)

  • get a rep around here

"Get a rep around here" 是一个俚语,意思是在某个地方或社区中建立良好的声誉或被认可。例如;

"She worked hard and got a good reputation around here for her reliability."(她工作努力,因为她的可靠性在这里赢得了良好的声誉。)

  • charity case

"Charity case" 是一个俚语,通常用来形容一个人或情况,指需要依赖慈善或他人帮助生活的人。例如:

"He felt like a charity case after losing his job and needing financial assistance."(失业后需要财政援助的他感觉自己像一个慈善对象。)

  • the writing on the wall

"The writing on the wall" 是一个俗语,源自《圣经·但以理书》中的故事,意思是不可避免的预兆或警告,通常指明显的迹象表明即将发生的事情。例如:

"When the company started laying off employees, it was the writing on the wall for their financial troubles."(当公司开始裁员时,这表明了他们财务困境的迹象。)

  • a million and one way 

"A million and one way" 是一个俚语,通常用来形容有很多种方式或方法可以做某事,强调选择或可能性的多样性和丰富性。例如:

"She's so creative; she can think of a million and one ways to decorate a room."(她太有创意了;她能想出无数种方法来装饰一个房间。)

  • health kick thing

"Health kick" 是一个俚语,通常指一个人突然开始关注和改善健康的生活方式,例如通过健康饮食、运动或戒烟等方式来提高健康水平。例如:

"She's been on a health kick lately, eating salads and going to the gym every day."(最近她开始关注健康,每天吃沙拉并去健身房。)

  • but never let it be said

"But never let it be said" 是一个短语,通常用来表达尽管可能会发生某事,但不希望别人说出来或传播出去,强调避免公开或提及某件事情。例如:

"She's generous with her friends, but never let it be said that she flaunts her wealth."(她对朋友们很慷慨,但千万别说她炫耀自己的财富。)

  • nervous breakdown

"Nervous breakdown" 是一个术语,用来描述由于长期紧张、焦虑或精神压力过大而导致的精神崩溃或崩溃症状。这种状态通常表现为情绪失控、情绪波动、无法应对日常生活和工作压力等。例如:

"After weeks of intense pressure at work, he suffered a nervous breakdown and had to take a leave of absence."(经历了数周的工作压力后,他精神崩溃了,不得不请假休息。)

  • anonymous tip

"Anonymous tip" 指的是匿名举报或匿名提供信息,通常用来指那些不透露身份但提供有价值信息或线索的情况。例如:

"The police received an anonymous tip about illegal activities happening in the neighborhood."(警方收到了关于社区内非法活动的匿名举报。)

  • cut off

"Cut off"指停止与某人或某物之间的联系或交流。例如:

"He cut off all communication with his ex-girlfriend after the breakup."(分手后,他停止了与前女友的所有联系。)

  • drop off the face of the earth

"Drop off the face of the earth" 是一个俚语,通常用来形容某人突然消失或完全消失,没有留下任何联系或消息。例如:

"After she lost her job, she dropped off the face of the earth for months."(她失业后,消失了几个月,没有留下任何消息。)

  • I'm just all thumbs

"I'm just all thumbs" 是一个俗语,意思是某人不擅长做手工或不灵巧,特别是在做需要手部技巧的事情时感觉笨拙或不熟练。例如:

"She's great at painting, but I'm all thumbs with a brush."(她画画很好,但我用画笔就感觉很笨手笨脚。)


看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第二季第21集



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: